In the cosmos that is the world of jewelry, the subjects are as numerous and diverse as the galaxies that gravitate together in the jewellery planetary system that GemGeneve has built. The show has become a cultural event, offering exhibitors and visitors alike a wide range of subjects to explore, from the history of jewelry to know-how and current issues. So I’ve brought them all together in one universe, in this new season, the 7th, of the thematic podcast Il était une fois le bijou.
For this second show, I propose to explore a nebula of what we might call the Lost Arts. In other words, the jeweler’s skills that have disappeared or become rare, but still bear witness to the excellence of a specific skill and teaching.

To explore the ways of lapidary, I invite you to listen to Justin K Prim. He is a gemmologist, travel adventurer and gentleman lapidary and founder of MagusGems, his e-boutique for cut gems and jewelry.
He is also a historian, teacher and author of The Secret Teachings of Gemcutting.
Justin K Prim explains the lapidary trade and goes back in time to talk about its history, as well as the different tools and techniques used in gem cutting. He also point out the difficulty of finding new apprentices, as gem cutter are often the hidden crafstmen of the jewellery industry.
Thank you for listening to this episode of GemGeneve Universes. I look forward to seeing you in September for the 3rd show, a privileged moment of discovery and information about jewelry to tide you over until the next edition of the show!
I’m Anne Desmarest de Jotemps, and I’ll be giving jewelry a voice, every Sunday. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be joining you on the Brillante podcast before inviting you to join me on Le Bijou
comme un bisou.
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A tout bientôt !